Sunday, January 16, 2011

Saturday, October 30, 2010 Blog post from Poetry Writes & Other Stuff from Sinbad the Sailor Man

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Gifts from up above or is it the Great Pumpkin?

This is a would be Poet, and his alter ego’s quest. They are self publishing their works. While increasing their portions, from this treasured laden land, adding to their chests daily 24/7 365 days a year, pennies from Heaven an other unlimited sources. Also hoping to spread their knowledge to the Lost Souls of this World, As they complete their 180 degree turn heading out of the storm, they are no longer sailing these oceans blue.

Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor Man

Tuesday, October 5, 2010 Blog post from Poetry Writes & Other Stuff from Sinbad the Sailor Man

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hey All, I wanted to remind you all to (JDI) Just Do IT!

There are many Nay Sayers or those who will put you down, but there are just as many if not more people who will encourage you to try! Everyone fails ask me I know! I still might, but I know if I do, I'll get right back up and start again as long as I am able to do so.

Sure we all say the hell with it and I am tired every now and again, but if we want to succeed we must keep trying. Those who do this will never fail they may not succeed with their first projects, but they just may find some a new one along the way!

I never in a hundred years thought I'd be writing as much as I do now. (JDI) Just Do It! I have a lot of half ass work all over the World Wide Web that is to say things that are not completely polished not half ass work, but not finely polished work.

Like some of those on my site here at Poetry Writes & Other Stuff and on my Blogs for instance they are all behind they always need clarification and better info this is the beauty of real time updating. Place the best that you got so far. And then always re-read it and/ or Update it then put it back to work, as you keep learning and improving it as you go. It gets better and better and that crap you thought you placed starts to become a honed and polished piece, but when you do it make sure you never leave them shitty for long, this can hurt you!

I do it a lot because I am Broke and have Time constraints while using the Library's systems. I need to get my things up and stored and in a place I can work on them. Because of my older system and browsers at home, have taken a crap on me.

I am always racing against the possibility that My machine is going down and for long periods of time or that it becomes totally out dated or is no longer re-repairable, or a lost of a connection, so, so many reasons for this. So I (JDI) Just do it! For once it is there and up on the web it can be updated.

I always post with a publisher that allows me to update and refine my works or writes for this reason. I am doing this with very little income. This is one of the reasons it is taking so long to get it up and running by itself, and in such a way that I don't have to work it every day.

Tue, October 5, 2010 | link

Hello All, Here Today To reinforce your Copy and Paste Skills! Use these tools as often as you need too!

Copy and Paste is by far the best Tools that come with any browser or operating system they are basic an easy to use tools and They save you tons of time and energy when working and creating links and websites.

As I have been saying I have and out dated computer with three or four nearly out dated browser's which still allow me to get the job done and if I didn't have these I could always go to my local Library to work for about 240 minutes a day. That is what most Libraries will limit you to, so others may use the computers as well.

Today my old browsers are about useless I need new ones that I can update properly. So this system has about reached its limits as well.

This is where a little knowledge comes in hand. As long as you can Copy and Paste you can maneuver pretty well.

I.E. today I placed some new E-Book links on Teaser page 33-36 some linked up no problem other would not, no matter how many times or ways I tried, but the links are good. They just wont embed for a number of giving reasons not to do with My operating system.

This is usually because the web master is the owner of the product and/or Website has not taken into account all the older operating systems still out there yet in use. So they won't embed properly with these older systems any more. Unless their owners take specific steps and keep their divers and all updated.

So any time you see a Link that is not operational always try to copy and paste it into your title bar, Search bar and reload or refresh that page. This should take you to the links web address allowing you access to the information from the dry link or an out dated browser. Or Highlight Right Click and Select open in new Tab.

Somebody Come and Play In the Traffic With Me! Earn as You Learn, Grow as You Go!

The Man Inside the Man
Sinbad the Sailor Man
JMK's Production


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CYA Later Taters!
Thanks for watching.
Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor Man

Somebody Come and Play in "Traffic" with me. If you would like to "Join" A Growing Biz Op! Here is Your Chance to get in an Earn While You Learn to Do "The Thing" with us all here at Traffic Authority.

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Monday, October 4, 2010 Blog post from Poetry Writes & Other Stuff from Sinbad the Sailor Man

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hello All! Iam still here and still kicking and a screaming!

I have picked out some E-Books I think I might like to check out and I am going to get them posted here this week and then I'll post them in by Blogs as well.

 I have been feeling under the weather again, only because every year at this time while I am here in the Mid-west I get to feeling this way and always about this time in Oct. till about late Nov

I am very tired and sleepy during these two month and depending upon the cold weather until about mid March. I am Like An Old Grizzly Bear, all I want to do is sleep! But I am trying to get back in the swing of things. I am trying, truly I am!

Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor Man

Thursday, September 23, 2010 blog post from Poetry Writes & Other Stuff from Sinbad the Sailor Man

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Okay That E-Book Posting Is on The Teaser Page 33-36
Watch for more to be placed through out this site and my other socialnetworkers, indexers, bookmarkers, and Blogs
Thanks Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor Man

Thu, September 23, 2010 | link

Hello, All. I am here today can you see me? I have been Having a little bit of writer's Block problem going on. So I decided to start Finding and Placing Some E-books again. These Books are E-Books down loadable electronic pages that are downloadable from their creators shopping cart or squeeze pages. I hope to get around to buying and reading some of these myself someday soon.

But, I also want to show you what ClickBank is all about and I only know one way to do just that and that is to dive in and try it myself. So that is what I've been reading up on. Again reading is not my strong point so it will take me some time to get you all the details, so here we go!

I am going to place a Hop-link on one of my pages here and a description of the E-Book. I might even make a specific page for these and the others I plan to post/or buy. I am still fumbling around, on how to do this, with all the stuff I got stored in here already, like a pack rat now.
Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor Man

Tuesday, September 14, 2010 from Poetry Writes and Other Stuff from Sinbad the Sailor Man

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wow I've Hit a dry spell here!

And I got a little bit of writers block going on, I think it was because of the way this month started out. Three days down and then some roomate conflicts over the shared vehicle. IT belongs to the one guy, but the other guy is putting the money into it,to keep it up and running, so some tension there, plus the apartment is growing smaller very day, But we'll work it out! We always do, it sucks having to get along, but there are benefits to it, if they'll just open their eyes up.

I am too old to play games and so are they. So my game is now out of sink, but that happens when your office is in the dining room of your Home. And even if I had my own room, I still would have heard the rubs and scrubs grinding against the others grain. I think once the truck is up and running it will get better. I hope or it will have to go or they will have to go. I can't deal with the stress it brings into the house and my office. I am a mellow fellow and I need it too stay that way so I can create and think. Drama is not my forte.

Well, I just stopped by to let ya know I am still trying, still keeping at it. I will do my best to get back into the groove and start writing some new blogs and new poems and articles, but this is were I am, in a tight apartment with little money and little patience. A little over stressed and it is easy to just say forget about it!

Because I have done that all my life, easy is easy, but it brings no one any satisfaction, least of all the dreamer of the dream. See ya around the block! Guys keep your nose to the wheel and the pedal to the metal. And when you fall off that horse get right back on it as soon as you can, for each passing minute makes it harder and the desire weans easily if you let it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010 Blog posts from Poetry Writes & Other Stuff from Sinbad the Sailor Man

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What? What are TOC's? A TOC is a Table of Context.
You would think we writers would have already done this and some of us have, although a TOC can be rather boring it doesn't need to be. But it needs to be invold in your writes. As a list of all of the types of articles and a little excerpts from each of them, and than putting them in a Blog such as this one, and/or in an a list in alphabetical order, lining them up and sorting them out will take a life time. If you don't do it as you create them. You may very well lose them. So log your works into your toc's before you do anything else, and than post those writes. Well I need a nap before I fall out this darn chair again. CYA Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor Man

Thu, September 2, 2010 | link

Oh I wanted to let you know why I have slowed way down. With my posts.
I have slowed down, because I am out of ready material, I have to keep making it daily now and that is not, all that easy to do. While you have a full plate to finish and very little time to get it done. I am busy ordering up my content with my two Publishers. I need to make a couple of TOC's and also one for this website and My Blogs and I am still kicking ideals around for the best way for me to do this. I have a new operating system and its not the current or the most up to date version. So I am having much trouble with updating it. So that my Browsers will do their best work, for me. Donnie/Sinbad the Sailor Man

Thu, September 2, 2010 | link

Remember what I said about having more then One Browser!
Ok, it looks as if I can post again, sorry for that delay and the loss of Info I'll have to try and dig it up later and re-post it for ya all. I am busy, doing busy work and getting nothing done. Because every thing has grown so fast and large I have over twenty-five sites now that I use almost every day, and I get lost easily, so I have started using a few Logs and journal my daily activities to keep me better focused. Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor Man