Monday, July 27, 2015

"Two's Lips Become a Flower" ~A thought by Sinbad the Sailor Man




A little Bit of Poetry; Religious of Course

"Two's Lips Become a Flower"

A Sailors Moon
She flowers with the passions
"Sixty Seconds" no stopped watched
Optical Illusions, sandwiched by the Un-sub's ways
Pushed and pulled; a heart tares
It becomes, the Broken
Evening tides slip within
Silken sheets there lies the sin
Her cries defeated whom has she cheated
Three with rosy cheeks there with speaks a tree; logical logic
With many words; head games no one proclaims!
Dead space and deafening quiet
Blazers blaze, the earth she shakes
Decisions upon this she makes; the Earth Quakes
Split blood, un-received not only twice, but thrice
A cock crows, for thy sake the ground is cursed
In your stead now go till the land be forever weary of
his merry men

Twins and yet Not Brothers

Hurricane is blown so hard and chased
By these winds; sore these four; only one was Able
As they gathered no crowns or gowns
No grounds to stand upon; He frowns
Clowns and fools who's Wonderland is this?
No! not Watson' or Holmes perhaps twas Alice's
Which Shylock did this? Yahoo! Twas not my Messenger?
Not one apple was eaten!
I formed only Figs in this here garden
And for you some dust covered bones, but
No More! No you shall have not; an encore
Two busy bees have become my flower
And hour after hour she whithers she dries
Meet her mate who two does cry; for both shall now have to die
Now sons of man thou hast became
For the making of two's lips which have deflowered
My Flower

A thought by Sinbad the Sailor Man

The Story of "Adam and Eve"

Were Adam and Eve the Only Two Created, People on Earth? 

Were They Even on Earth?

Somebody Come and Play In the Traffic With Me! Earn as You Learn, Grow as You Go!

The Man Inside the Man
Sinbad the Sailor Man
JMK's Production


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CYA Later Taters!
Thanks for watching.
Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor Man

Somebody Come and Play in "Traffic" with me. If you would like to "Join" A Growing Biz Op! Here is Your Chance to get in an Earn While You Learn to Do "The Thing" with us all here at Traffic Authority.

Simply click this link and Grow as you Go Come and Play In Traffic With Me and My Team at Traffic Authority!

P.S. Everybody Needs Traffic! Get Top Tier North American Traffic Here!

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