Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"Beef and Cream"~ By Sinbad the Sailor Man

Poetry: About Cows?

The Cattle men and the Dairy farmer
Both raise and breed these
Their Cash cows

But only one man reaps and keeps
Reusing the gifts of this his Venture
Time and time again it never stops

Black and white spots
Verses the gray and tan
One Bloodied and chopped

And then shipped away for the day
The other washed and massaged
And then they are led away

Their time at hand
One screams and bellows
And then tries to run

Fear is seen there in their eyes
And yet it is seen only once
No more tears shall fall

From their calved eyes 
And now for the other

Marches forward
Lowly and loyal and wishes
There for to stand

At least twice a day she is
Rushed in and then

Calm is seen within
There in her old cow eyes
All the day long

There for both the farmers 
And the ranchers
Profit from these sacred cows

But what then is 
The futures of
The kines

Unfortunately Only one of them
These kines may profit from men
And their kinds

Ah baloney and cheese
Pass me the milk please
Oh how unkind I am


Sinbad the Sailor Man

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