Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"Fire Drake"~ A thought by Sinbad the Sailor Man

A Story poem

"Fire Drake"

It slumbers beneath the rolling stream
Dreaming of your screams
Your running blood

When looked for it can not be seen
But he, knows you are coming

It’s skin is as iron

Its teeth are a bit shy of thirteen inch nails
Its tail is razor sharp, along the spaded end

When confronted by him, you may start sobbing
You may find that religion that you thought you may have had

If you give it your all, boy
You may be successful in your quest
Your test

They have spied him down by the lake
Some; they call him, a “Fire Drake”

When you have awakened him
It is fire that you’ll be seeing

The heat and stench, of 
Its breath

Start your fleeing son
Run as fast as you can
Unless it is fame and fortune
You are seeking
Or if it is only for the glory of it all


Be careful
 For what you wish for

Battling this winged giant
Could cost you your very life
The villagers theirs as well!

But, by defeating him, you can spare
Someone theirs
Even if
The King has sentenced them, himself

Yes son, this is the law
You must slay him
Put It down before, the sun rises

To the full of noon
This is all you have

After the day 
You, proclaim, to do this deed

No, son Fire Drakes never run!

But, would be knights have taken flight
These Knights; must now run forever 
Or the thing shall find them

And dispatch of them 
For he now carries their scent

Tis no easy task lad, it may be

Your last, but do as you must

To save her, your wife
Remember son when you slay him

If you slay him

Be sure to cut off Its head

Tis the only way to be sure it is dead

You must place it on the floor
Before the King
 as proof 
To the battle won

No son; the King will not deny your wish

He will release your young wife
Just be sure to place, Its head

Snout facing the King!
And then rest but one
Foot upon It

Why? You ask

Then he; will know you, to be
A true, Dragon Slayer

A thought by Sinbad The Sailor Man

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