Monday, January 4, 2016

"Sinbad the Sailor Man's Interest with the "Rhime of the "The" Ancient Mariner" Part 1 Verses 11&12" ~Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor Man

Sinbad the Sailor Man's Interest with the "Rhime of the "The" Ancient Mariner" Part 1 Verses 11&12

 "The Rhime of the Ancient Mariner" by Samuel Coleridge

A dissection by a religious Zealot, the Captain of his own ship, the fair lady the "Lover of Lost Souls" Captain Sinbad, the Sailor Man

A forum I found at

I will attempt to explain; How I a Man of faith view a poem written by a Schooled man of Faith, and in a time of worries.



A dissection by a religious Zealot! Captain Sinbad, the Sailor Man

Again I will remind you all, I have no formal teachings on the theology of the Christian faith or its so claimed Church. But I do read the Good Book from time to time and listen a lot to what others have to say about the legal Document they have come to worship, the Holy Bible. I on the other hand prefer the Story of the Book and the Stories contain within in IT. I believe the truth is hidden within the story. And as you come to believe with Faith and accept the Truth of the nature of God and His only begotten Son the Lord Jesus, the Christ and the Saviour of us all! You may also see what I see.

Verse 11 of part One

And now the STORM-BLAST came, and he

Was tyrannous and strong:

He struck with his o'ertaking wings,

And chased south along.

Verse 12 of Part One

With sloping masts and dipping prow,

As who pursued with yell and blow

Still treads the shadow of his foe

And forward bends his head,

The ship drove fast, loud roared the blast,

And southward aye we fled.

Above are verses 11&12 of Part 1 of the The Rhime of the Ancient Mariner
by Samuel Coleridge

As I have stated before the information I will depict and share is all questionable and opinionated by the Inner man of Spirit and not the outer man of Flesh and it will require meditation and asking of the Father and His comforter the Holy Spirit, to see the parallels of this poem and the Good Book's Story. Sinbad is a Religious Zealot, filled with zeal for the story. He has a depth about him that others may or may not, a true gift? Maybe or maybe he is just nuts, but I think he is not. Donnie

Also I would ask you remember that these were dangerous times for poets and authors with conflicting interest with the Church/ Government of this Authors time. So give some special thought to misspelled and worded phrases this poet was very well read and a scholar as well he knew very well what he was doing with these devices. Rhime, Crime, h,rime the small (h) when turn on it's side resemble an underline (C) I can't do that with this editor, but you can with pen and paper I would guess the original work was hand written and for a select party of peoples so it would have been made to be stealthy.

Okay, on with the dissection

Part I Verse 11 of the dissection of "The Rhime of the Ancient Mariner" by Captain Sinbad, the Sailor Man

Verse 11 of part One

And now the STORM-BLAST came, and he

Was tyrannous and strong:

He struck with his o'ertaking wings,

And chased south along.

Kind of remember this is Satan talking now, who was Lucifer before the Fall, right after he was caught up in his own lie! We must remember what God did before the attempted Crime! And who He left in charge of his latest creation.

"God the Creator", God was, is, and will always be the creator of everything. It was what he loved to do. Do not forget He created US for His pleasure or because it pleased him to do so. It is what we humans love to do or attempt to do also, for we are made in our Fathers image, the second time around we are in the flesh.

If you need the reasoning behind this, I will try and relate it to you in this way Satan is not able to make perfect Bodies or change perfect bodies imperfect and God never repents from a gift given. For there was a time before our flesh when we had perfect bodies according to the Story. And God has to now convince Satan of the truth. That He is still his God also and that can not and will not ever change or be allowed to change.

And I know even many of todays Scholars and Theologians would disagree, but it is well a known fact and there is proof to the age of our Earth in her the fossil records, for she was caused to become void when, Time was birth into existence by Lucifer's flat out refusal to repent from said crime or trespass.

God never stopped creating before this fall and was afar off still creating on a great scale and may still be a ways away from us here still today, in His personage an as His true and complete self with all of His Glory. Centered and, in One Place! That place being where we now are. Let us not forget we are, but only 1/3 of Gods Creation. That is every one who ever was and still is here on Earth. For when you die the true you, your soul an intellect instantly returns to its owner or creator who is GOD.

Mind boggling hun? It is not easy to explain, but those of us with much faith have a different understanding! I was not easily convinced and I don't expect you to be so, enjoy the interpretations of this so called fool?

So Satan was caught in the act of a crime. What crime was there any crime in Heaven before the Fall? I would think not, only trespasses or mistakes of positions/ or not knowing ones place or stepping over or out of their bounds. Food for thought chew on it a while. if you can't swallow it spit it out.

And now the STORM-BLAST came, and he

The STORM-BLAST all caps meaning very important, very powerful, very wrong, etc.,etc., so my interpretation of the blast, was the Shock and awe that stunned OUR LORD GOD in such a way, that it was something new even to Him! Which in turn caused a horrible accidental elimination and illumination of a direct attack on Gods Personage! A flinch by God. Know by some as the Wrath of God, a frighting thing it was! Lucifer and the 1/3 of Gods new creation destroyed? No for God had given them Perfect Bodies before this Fall or attack or shock. Today we humans would say we were betray as well as God himself was betrayed by Satan.

But, the earth being physical then and as still she is now. It was rearranged, with many things upon it displaced from her former glory. Gods children could play there, (for a lack of a better description), on the physical world, It was our Nursery School and Satan, then Lucifer was our Teacher, Care Taker, Provider, Protector, etc., etc Baby sitter. In fact he was in charge of instructing us about repentance and praise For there is only ONE PREFECT being who is GOD!

and he Was tyrannous and strong(:)

Now remember Lucifer was chosen above all others to do this very important Task and he instead desire to claim the Children of God for his own, and in fact told the children they were his, and the little children being children were swayed. For they did not yet, know God as there were suppose too! There by Satan's task of the Covering Cherubim went amiss along the way of their or our development. For we truly were created for a specific purpose by God's own Choice we were made different from the Host that were of Heaven.

Along with Satan there were some angels and other Heavenly beings that Lucifer had charge over. The best parallel in the Good Book I could give you would be would be the parable of the Vineyard that Christ himself gave to the world. So you see God did give Lucifer several chances to Repent! From then, a trespass, but Lucifer would not and did not and still will not Repent from his trespasses.

So the (he) is Satan speaking of himself as Lucifer

He struck with his o'ertaking wings,

Now were back to God's wrath or unbelief at this occurrence. We know from the Good Book that Satan the former Lucifer was the Father of all lies and the first thief, and God himself relates this action to a new thing called MURDER of which he, Satan is also the Father of. And so God strips Satan of his former Name and gives him a lower name, from a name of High status to a low status, possibly the lowest one in Heaven. The very first to be made an exampled of?

O'ertaking or overtaking wings, the first (o'ertaking) again is an artist manipulative choice of word or phrasing to throw off the principalities and powers, that were at this time. The little (o) is a hint at Satan's taunting of the action because of the wrath or the startling of God Himself.

Satan believed his own lie, even more now then from before. Wings relate to a sign of power. Flight being a great power of mobility or even Knowledge as in a chess game. Also with great speed or with out hesitation, this was how God re-acted when Satan denied his wrong doing and Satan tried to displace his guilt onto our LORD GOD.

And chased south along.

Here Satan is saying, as maybe one of our children might say when they refuse our corrections. You were over baring and to stern, you didn't let up on me, you were mean, so it is as much your fault as it is mine or it was your fault, For trusting in me in the first place.

*Take special care here.* For this is a Human relating to other Humans, about what we know not! Which is the true Concept of GOD the Father who is not human in any way shape or form until, Jesus. At least unto us humans God is not known as GOD the Almighty by us personally.

Part I Verse 12 of the dissection of "The Rhime of the Ancient Mariner" by Captain Sinbad, the Sailor Man

Verse 12 of Part One

With sloping masts and dipping prow,

As who pursued with yell and blow

Still treads the shadow of his foe

And forward bends his head,

The ship drove fast, loud roared the blast,

And southward aye we fled.

With sloping masts and dipping prow,

When the wind is taken from the sails the weight of the great sails will slightly bow the masts, a prow is the front of a ship when it dips it is a sign that the wind has stopped blowing, the ship then sinks back into the waters. Think of this as God's favor being removed and God's disappointment or His hurt being placed upon this Covering Cherubim and all that were under him or at least some of them under him for they all were as guilty as Lucifer was when the deed was known of by the Father. * But remember* this is only a trespass until they refuse the offer of repentance.

As who pursued with yell and blow

Here the Poet is stating what Satan believes and is trying to project unto the Father, but in fact it is what Satan has done. Satan does not want to give up with out a dispute, a fight, and/ or Battle. Satan knows that if God comes angrily at him others will also get rebuked or harm who were innocent of the wrong doing. Satan has stolen or kidnapped or Hijacked the nursery. Satan can't harm God directly, but can harm God's latest creations that God gave Lucifer charge over.

Still treads the shadow of his foe

So God has back off, for what is now happening is a Hostage situation a stalemate sort of speak, Satan has gotten God in a Trick Bag and God is not wanting to do what it is He can do and at any time do, that is end this new situation, and correct it.

Instead God wants to correct the problem this new event so it doesn't occur ever again. This is not to say God can't handle this or won't handle it, but is to say God is handling it! For remember we are the ones on a time table and God is not, we know time, but time has no place with God, no hold on God or the other 2/3 of heaven.

Not on Satan or the Fallen angels, but just on us humans in the flesh. This is a gift for us, for when we die we return instantly unto Our Father, Our Creator or Our Owner for all souls belong to God. We are then placed in Paradise awaiting Judgment day.

Paradise which for the believers is in Abraham's arm's and next to his heart as a lost child who is returned. For the unbeliever it is also in paradise on the wrong side of the Gulf of Despair or Guilt and Fear it is not God that keeps you from our father Abraham it is, you and Your Shame and Guilt that keeps you from our earthly father that made the way, the Covenant with OUR GOD.

And forward bends his head,

Firstly who is bending their head here, I believe most defiantly it is Satan for he is already seeing that he is out match by God he knows Our Father, his Father will have His way.

So he is down for a minute in this already and well known fact. God has never Lost or ever failed, so Lucifer now Satan is sadden at this turn of events for he has no hope none, in winning or convincing God of his intent.

Now we must remember God gave Satan his new name knowing the course of action that was going to now unfold if, Satan would not repent and as we know he did not, has not, and now can Not! For he has killed the only Begotten Son who in fact was God himself in the flesh. And in the world that Satan had control over.

The little Children have kill the Father's Son. And the fault lies solely on the prince of this world Satan. But God being Just must also try every one for we are all Guilty because of the law. But with the guilt came also a pardon. A repurchase, the sacrifice was made by God Himself and paid by Himself all we must do is believe and accept the truth of Jesus.

Jesus being that Lamb of God That sacrifice that pardon. That Narrow gate and that narrow path we must stay that new course until the end of our earthly lives with faith believing in and on our Fathers Love least Satan pull us back in and down him into the pits of sorrow and despair.

The ship drove fast, loud roared the blast,

Well here is a contradiction here a disillusion or an allusion for those trap upon the ship. The ship in its self has no power of its own least God give it and God did give it for those who were innocent of the act for those who didn't willing go along or side with the others challenging God's authority as Lord of Lords and the Almighty Creator Our Father.

And southward aye we fled.

Here the Leaders made the choice without consideration of thought or care to the others, they all fled God's sight or presence. Here again is the original sin they choose to stay on board they could of bailed out but for fear they stayed they haven't gone any where in truth all they did is Ignore or deny God and His existence and worshiped Satan or none at all.

I make no claims to know or to be any one special in this dissection.

This is just some thing that I was struck to do, and so I did it! And I will try to complete the whole write. This is a rather lengthy Write and this will take me some time to complete, as I am rather busy building my empire .
No offense is intended or was meant I just like this write and what it made me feel and see. Thank you Donnie/Sinbad the Sailor Man

Sinbad the Sailor Man's Interest with "The Rhime of the Ancient Mariner"
Part I Verses 1&2
Part I Verses 3&4
Part I Verses 5&6
Part I Verses 7&8
Part I Verses 9&10
Part I Verses 13&14
Part I Verses 15&16

Somebody Come and Play! Earn as You Learn, Grow as You Go!

The Man Inside the Man
Sinbad the Sailor Man
JMK's Production


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CYA Later Taters!
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Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor Man

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